Racial Justice Group Responds to Dems Taking Back the Senate After GA Runoff Election Results - Action Center on Race and the Economy

For Immediate Release: January 06, 2021

Contact: Louie Tan Vital, 425-330-5787, louie@megaphonestrategies.com; Cabot Petoia, 828-899-9239, cabot@megaphonestrategies.com 

Racial Justice Group Responds to Dems Taking Back the Senate After GA Runoff Election Results

“Grassroots organizing gave Democrats control of the White House and Congress, Dem leaders must deliver people first policy and Cancel Wall Street”

*** Interviews available, email acre@megaphonestrategies.com***

Nationwide In response to news that Democratic Congressional Candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are on track to win their respective runoff races, securing Democratic control of the Senate, Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE) released the following statement: 

“Today, we must first and always recognize the tireless work led by Black organizers and allies in Georgia that have delivered a victorious outcome in this historic election. The work of grassroots organizations to move strategy, mobilize volunteers, resist voter suppression and turn out record numbers of voters during a global pandemic is amazing and we celebrate that power,”  said Vasudha Desikan, Political Director of Action Center on Race and the Economy. “Now, with a Democratic-controlled White House, Senate, and House, there is no excuse for our federal government to not use every possible tool to enact a massive, visionary progressive legislative program that supports Covid recovery, and serves the same communities that have put these leaders in power.”

“Black and Brown communities have suffered tremendous pain under the current Administration, and Democratic leadership have had the excuse of GOP obstruction as the reason why they oppose backing the policies that we need most. Now is the time to end the Wall Street Covid profiteering and deliver a robust package of legislation and executive actions that will move our country towards recovery for the countless people who are still suffering.” 

“We need economic and social policy that will move us from crisis into recovery,  including consistent cash payments to individuals and families, direct zero interest lending from the FED to cities and states, cancellation of rent and mortgages and wide and free access to Covid19 testing and treatment.”
