Wall Street and big corporations target communities of color to extract profit from every facet of our lives. Through their investments, loans, donations, and other financial tools, corporations and financial institutions  back candidates, campaigns, and projects that threaten the health, safety, and freedom of our communities. At ACRE, we fight back against  predatory financial institutions and anti-democratic actors across a range of issue areas with a wide array of partners.

Current Campaigns

Bargaining for the Common Good Campaigns

The Bargaining for the Common Good Network is made up of unions, community groups, racial justice organizations, and student organizations that work together as equal partners to win bigger and broader demands at the bargaining table and in the streets. In these campaigns, labor and community groups work with stakeholders to demand that corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share so that our communities have what they need to prosper.

ACRE staff support and/or lead BCG campaigns in:

  • Tennessee
  • Philadelphia
  • Chicago/Illinois
  • California
  • Connecticut

Crescendo Campaigns

The Crescendo project takes on corporate complicity in Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry as part of a commitment to building the power of Muslim communities in the United States until it reaches a crescendo.

ACRE staff support national campaigns to take on anti-Muslim corporations, like:

  • NoTechForApartheid – to demand Big Tech, like Google and Amazon to end all ties with Israeli apartheid and cut the Project Nimbus contract
  • Banking on Solidarity – to hold Citibank accountable for its active role in denying self-determination to both the Haitian and Palestinian peoples
  • Unmasking Fidelity – to challenge Fidelity Charitable’s role in funneling millions of dollars through Donor Advisor Funds to organizations that promote and further systemic oppression globally

Progressive Revenue Campaigns

For decades, ultra-rich billionaires, corporations, and Wall Street banks have engaged in a systematic effort to rig the economy to avoid paying what they owe in taxes. When these entities don’t pay what they owe, Black and Brown communities bear the burden. ACRE works on campaigns to resist austerity budgets and fight for moral budgets that invest in Black and Brown communities to repair harm. We fight for our communities to have fully-funded, equitably distributed, publicly-owned, and locally-controlled public services, paid for by mega-corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy. We work with grassroots partners to ensure every community has the public service resources to recover, thrive, and survive the next crisis.

ACRE staff support progressive revenue campaigns to make corporations and billioniares pay what they owe, including:

  • AllEyesOnYass in Pennsylvania
  • Digital Ad Tax campaigns in New York, Illinois, Connecticut and Tennessee

Worker Campaigns

For decades, corporations and their financiers have pushed to roll back labor protections, stifle wages, and pass laws that protect the unsafe and abusive workplaces they’ve created. Black and Brown workers are bearing the brunt of this broken economic system, as the powerful and privileged continue to maximize their wealth. ACRE fights to create an economy and political system that are beholden to our communities, not corporations. We support grassroots groups in challenging corporate power by enacting comprehensive campaigns that center racial justice, build worker power, and set the stage for more significant structural wins.

ACRE staff support worker campaigns across the country, including:

  • App Worker Campaigns in Illinois, Colorado, and California
  • Temp Worker Campaigns across the country