Reports by our partner organizations about housing:
- Underwater America
How the So-Called Housing “Recovery” Is Bypassing Many American Communities
by Peter Dreier, Saqib Bhatti, Rob Call, Alex Schwartz, and Gregory Squires | Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society | May 2014
- Newark Homewrecker
The Impact of the Foreclosure Crisis on Newark
Communities United New Jersey | April 2013
- The Wall Street Wrecking Ball: Minnesota
What Foreclosures Are Costing Minnesotans and What We Can Do About It
ISAIAH, Jewish Community Action, Northside Community Reinvestment Coalition, Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, Minnesotans for a Fair Economy | February 2013
- The Wall Street Wrecking Ball: Oakland
What Foreclosures Are Costing Oakland Neighborhoods
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and California Reinvestment Coalition | September 2011
- The Wall Street Wrecking Ball: San Jose
What Foreclosures Are Costing San Jose Neighborhoods
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and California Reinvestment Coalition | September 2011
- The Win/ Win Solution
How Fixing the Housing Crisis Will Create One Million Jobs
The New Bottom Line | August 2011
- Home Wreckers
How Wall Street Foreclosures Are Devastating Communities
Service Employees International Union, PICO California, California Reinvestment Coalition, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment | March 2011
- Shut Out of the American Dream
How Bank of America Is Systematically Underserving Communities of Color and Harming Low-Income Families with Questionable Practices
Service Employees International Union | November 2007